Saturday, April 27, 2013

Strength Training Develops Solid Softball Players

Softball is a popular sport these days. Corporations, adult leagues and inner-city competitions are fueling the demand for skilled and competitive players. While softball may be experiencing a surge of interest, the basic techniques to improve your game and gain a competitive edge have remained the same.

Many do not realize that basic softball movements such as batting and throwing are not a directly related to arm strength. The movement begins in the legs. The power is then transferred into the hips, the torso, the upper back, the chest, the shoulders and then the arms.

A proper softball Strength Training routine will include an Exercise for each Muscle group. During the off-season, athletes will be able to strength train 2-3 times per week. Training should be reduced to 1-2 times per week during the season. Each Exercise should be performed 8-12 times for 1-3 sets.

Quickness, speed, agility, balance, explosiveness, and power will be enhanced as the Strength Training program progresses. Below is a list of sample exercises for the commonly used Muscles in softball. There are many other exercises you could perform, but this will provide a starting point.

Quadriceps- Squats, One-Legged Squats, Jump Squats

Hams & Glutes- Lunges, Explosive Lunges, Bridge on Ball

Hip Adductors/Abductors- Lying Side Leg Raises, Ball Squeeze

Obliques- Oblique Crunch on Ball

Rectus Abdominis- Ball Crunch, 180 Ball Crunch

Erector Spinae- Plank Pose

Deltoids- Shoulder Press, Military Press

Pectoralis Major- Chest Fly, Chest Press, Push ups

Latissimus Dorsi- Bent Over Row, Reverse Fly

Triceps- Overhead Extensions, Skull crushers

Biceps- Bicep Curl, Hammer Curl

A powerful softball strength training program will produce powerful players. Use a full ROM (range of motion) for each exercise. Generally free weights provide a better ROM than machines, but use which ever feels best to you. The ultimate goal is to create a solid program that will deliver a well-rounded athlete.

Copyright 2005

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How Martial Arts Can Help Your Kids Do Better in Everything

Children face a lot of challenges we adults don’t necessarily understand. Young kids deal with pressure from home, school, and their friends; and they also have to deal with decisions they can only make. The dangers of their surroundings such as bullies, gangs, criminals, and strangers add to their everyday concerns and as parents and guardians, we need to make sure that they are equipped with the right mindset and physical wellness to overcome these obstacles.

One effective way of helping our children cope with the world is through martial arts. Martial Arts has been recognized by many communities as a way to give our kids the ability to face these day to day pressures. One of the more successful and nationally recognized programs is the KickStart program founded by Chuck Norris, actor and martial arts champion. The KickStart program was originally founded to combat drugs and gang recruiting, and is now being taught in over twenty five Houston, TX area schools and twelve Dallas, TX area schools.

Like the KickStart program, Evolution Martial Arts’ of Tampa and Carrollwood aim is also to help kids gain more discipline and self-confidence without any inclination towards violence. The studio offers numerous disciplines of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) such as Brazilian and Gracie Jiu Jitsu, karate, judo. Muay Thai or kick boxing, and wrestling.

So what is it about martial arts that is so influential on our kids? The main tenants of martial arts are discipline, honor, confidence, and perseverance. Each child is started in the program on a level playing field, and becoming more senior in the program ensures they respect the effort that got them to that level. Martial arts is comprised of a set of choreographed moves called “forms” that progressively build to the next level of difficulty. Each set of moves rely upon knowledge of the previously learned moves for execution. The knowledge of these moves is tested by senior belt members in the organization, and recognized through a colored belt system.

If a child with martial arts training is cornered by a bully or even worse, a predator, they have the tools necessary to escape the situation as quickly as possible. This is a reassuring fact to most parents; knowing their child can defend themselves help them feel more confident too. Fundamentally, children with martial arts training are no longer seen as victims, so the confrontations rarely happen in the first place.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) focuses on techniques that are easy to learn in a very short period of time. The techniques taught in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are also effective and have been tested on knowledgeable martial artists who are not cooperating. A small amount of simple but high percentage techniques makes the difference.

Judo is best known for its throwing techniques. Judo also involves considerable grappling on the ground utilizing specialized pins, control holds, arm locks, and Judo choking techniques. Judo emphasizes safety, and full physical activity for top conditioning. This MMA discipline is learned on special mats for comfort and safety.

On the other hand, karate deals with attacking techniques through evasive body movements and/or blocking, and counter attacks using kicks, punches and strikes. Joint locks, restraints and takedowns are also used, but to a lesser extent. As a method of keeping fit and healthy, it develops balance, co-ordination, aerobic Fitness, strength and flexibility. Karate could be a fun way to get kids in shape and keep them active during non school days.

Evolution Martial Arts also offers an After-school Pick-up Program that helps parents make sure their kids get to the studio safely right after school. Try them out and see the improvement on your kids.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fitness Training Program For Women To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

You can find additional info at the following links:

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Fitness Training Program For Women To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

You can find additional info at the following links:

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Exercise Routine - Static Contraction Training For Muscle Growth

The static contraction training system was originally developed by Pete Sisco and John Little. Their book titled "Static Contraction Training" was first published in 1998, and has become one of the better sellers. Pete Sisco has since gone on to develop additional training programs based on the static contraction training principles, including Precision Training, Train Smart, the CNS Workout, and Maximum Strength.

The easy monumental of static contraction training (SCT) is to generate ultra high intensity in the shortest amount of time. This training method is a complete 180 degree turn from conventional training supplies where you perform several different Exercises doing 6 to 12 repetitions for each. The SCT training method focus on overloading the Muscles through maximum intensity in minimal time spent. A conventional SCT Workout lasts one or two minutes. It's not a typo. You read which correct, just one or two minutes.

Does Static Contraction Training Work?

Of route it works. Over 200,000 people all over the globe have used Pete's SCT training supplies for strength and Muscle growth gains. It may seem outlandish that an entire workout should last merely 2 minutes, where conventional training workouts persist around 30 to 45 minutes. You have to be asking, "how could a 2 minutes workout possibly produce more possible outcome than a 30 minutes workout?" The key behind the prosperity of SCT workouts is intensity and maximum muscle overload.

Do you know what causes muscle growth? Your muscles respond to stress and stimulus such as resistance for weights. The heavier the weights used, the greater the stress. By utterly overloading your muscles using excessive heavy weights, you create the stimulus that equals strength and muscle growth.

Unlike traditional workout routines, static contraction training involves simply holding the maximum weight you can in a static have for 5 to 10 seconds. Each SCT work session usually involves 5 different Exercises. You simply perform a static hold, and that is it, which is why Static Contraction training sessions are brief, but extremely intense.

You perform the static holds in your firmest range of motion. Using bench push as an example, you would perform a static hold of the barbell near the top, about 2 to 3 inches away from the top of the motion without locking out your elbows. This is your strongest time period of motion. You own the weight for 5 to 10 seconds. If you rep with 150 pounds on the bench press, you can possibly do a static hold using 250 to 300 pounds, or even more. This is all the stimulus that your brain needs for additional muscle growth. You can get more Fitness and nutrition information by visiting

Monday, April 22, 2013

Beginner's Weightlifting and Resistance Training for Women

You can find additional info at the following links:

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