Saturday, March 30, 2013

Horse Hoof Abscess

Hoof abscess can be painful for your horse, but if you act without delay, the healing can be resolved fairly quickly. A hoof abscess will often appear as if your horse is lame and will not want to place weight on his leg. If you try to lead him, you may be met with resistance. The abscess may also be seen from underneath the hoof in the form of oozing blackish pus.

An abscess occurs when fluid or pus collects inside the hoof to fight off a source of infection. Because the hoof does not expand, the increased pressure within the hoof causes the horse pain. Left untreated, an abscess will migrate up through the hoof following the path of least resistance until it eventually seeps out through the hoof wall, often at the coronary band.

A hoof abscess can develop from an infection caused by things like:

- A puncture hole in the sole from a sharp object like a nail.

- A crack in the hoof wall allowing small pieces of gravel to become lodged within the sensitive tissue above the sole.

- Damaged caused by decreased blood circulation from shoes, poor horse shoeing or trimming.

Call your horse veterinarian at any signs of lameness or hoof abscess. If the vet isolates your horse’s pain to a hoof abscess, he may use a hoof abscess tool to create a precise hole in the hoof to allow fluid to drain more quickly. You will need to keep the hoof clean and protected. Your vet will probably instruct you to periodically soak the hoof and clean the infected area thoroughly. You may also be instructed to walk your horse daily to help increase blood circulation and to help speed up draining.

If a drain hole is unable to be made, then the course of action may be to allow the abscess to run off through the coronary band, an easy path within the hoof for pus to escape. Unfortunately, if the only course of action is for the abscess to heal on its own, this will be a slower and more painful process for your horse. Occasionally, antibiotics may be administered to ease some of the pain of a hoof abscess. Applying a poultice created from warm linseed mash may help speed the healing process by softening the hoof and increasing the blood circulation.

You can find additional info at the following links:

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How Exercise Helps Reduce Stress

We have heard it so many times before that there are many benefits to Exercise especially when used to lower stress. If everyone knows that Exercise is important then why is stress, disease, and fatigue so prevalent in today's society? The answer is simple. We know what to do we just aren't doing it.

Experts agree that one best way to manage stress is through exercise. Exercise has been proven to relax the body and mind, burn fat, improve cardiovascular system, bring in more oxygen, reduce the chance of diseases, lower blood pressure and the list goes on.

During the stress response, many chemical reactions occur in the body preparing it to what is known as the fight or flight response. During prehistoric days as cave dwellers, we had the opportunity to burn off our stress when an animal attacked, as it was a means of survival. We were able to run away or fight the threat immediately. In today's society, we do not have to fight a bear or tiger, so we do not have much of an outlet readily at hand to burn off the stress or pent up negative emotions. Therefore, we carry it with us creating emotional and physical problems. Exercise can help by providing an outlet for negative emotions such as worry, irritability, depression, hostility, anger, frustration, and anxiety. You can dissipate these feelings by simply taking it out on the tennis court, by running, or punching a bag. Regular exercise provides the opportunity to manage the fight or flight response and helps the body to return to a homeostasis or balanced state more quickly.

Exercise can also improve self-esteem and self worth by realizing that you are benefit directly. You may feel more outgoing and social because of the increased energy and also a better physique creating more confidence and positive self image. Your self-esteem may be enhanced by taking on exercise challenges or goals, giving you a feeling of accomplishment and reward.

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Exercise:
Aerobic exercise is an activity that uses major Muscle groups such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling. This type of exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system by increasing your heart and respiratory rate and brings in more oxygen into the body. To reap the full benefits of aerobic exercise, you must be at 60%-80% of your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes, between three and five times a week.

To calculate your target heart rate use the following formula:
Take 220 - (subtract) your age X (multiply 60%, or 70%, etc. intensity rate.) = Target heart rate (divide by six for a ten second pulse count. Take your pulse for ten seconds and gage where you are during the Workout. Speed up the pace if you are below 60%.

Aerobic exercise is key to lose weight as it burns calories which are the energy consumed and adds fat to our bodies. Combined with a healthy diet it is a sure way to lose weight. One pound of body fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. To lose one pound, you must burn 3500 calories. It is easier to combine aerobics and create a small caloric deficit in your diet than to do one or the other solely.

Anaerobic exercise builds Muscle strength and power. Isotonics and Isometrics are two kinds of anaerobic exercises.

Isotonics uses your muscles to contract against an object with movement such as Weight Lifting (also called strength or resistance training.) The benefits of isotonic exercises are stronger muscles, stronger bones, tone, prevent injuries, and condenses and shapes muscle for better esthetics.


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Isometric exercise is contracting your muscles against resistance without movement. Such as lifting an object like a dumbbell and holding a position. You are isolating that muscle.

Use both types of anaerobic exercises to maximize your strength to build healthy, lean, and strong muscles.

Select exercises that you enjoy and can do for at least 20 minutes, three to five days a week. Exercise does not necessarily mean hitting the gym and making an ordeal out of it. It can simply be a walk around your neighborhood or dancing to some tunes. Try to think "activity" verses "exercise". When you are in an active mind-frame, you will purposely park a little farther, do stretches at the computer, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Commit that you will begin to be more active and stick to your exercises or activities for 21 days. Why 21? Research has showed that it takes about 21 days to create a habit. Document how your feel after the 21 days. Your stress levels should be lowered, you should feel more energized, and see some physical changes such as a slimmer physique.

You may already know the benefits of exercise but are you doing it? So start by making a decision, begin slowly, then gradually work up to more and longer workout sessions. The point of this article is to help you take immediate action.

Brennan Howe is owner of several free health information websites. Visit for information on a variety of health topics.

Video Source: Youtube

Lore Kamp

Bosu 3D Sytem Balance Trainer Is An All-Round Home Gym For The Whole Family

They look like one half of a stability ball on a flat base: Bosu Balls. The term Bosu means: both sides up. Users can choose to train with the dome side up or with the flat side up. Whatever side is up, the Bosu Trainer always is instable and forces users... Read >

Exercise-at-home-2271444.html" title="Read: Vertical Knee Raise Station For Perfect Abdominal Exercise At Home">Vertical Knee Raise Station For Perfect Abdominal Exercise At Home

A power tower, better known as vertical knee raise station, is the best tool for ab Workout. It is a metal rack with a padded back rest and arm rests. Many towers have an additional chin and dip station. This combination extends the variety of exercises t... Read >

Equipment For The Most Effective Ab Exercises

Abdominal exercises that are executed in a hanging position are the most effective ab exercises. They are not possible without a piece of equipment, for example, a pull-up bar. The problem is, not everybody can carry the body weight with the hands while p... Read >

Spin Bike Training For Weight Loss and Health

Spin bikes became popular with the invention of cycling classes in the 1980th. In such classes, a group of people performs intensive training on spin bikes. An instructor leads the Workout and music motivates the class members. As a result, more and more ... Read >

Bosu Balls Are Ideal Pieces of Exercise Equipment for Busy People

Many busy people want to improve their health and Fitness with exercises, but they do not have the time to go to the gym. A Bosu Balance Trainer, also called Bosu Ball, is an ideal solution for many of them to perform a regular workout at home, in the off... Read >

Small Abdominal Exercise Equipment in the Suitcase Ensures Your Regular Workout Routine

The following paragraphs show why you should have ab equipment in the luggage and give you an idea which item might be the best for you. Abdominal exercise equipment for the luggage has to be small, light and nevertheless effective. The ab wheel, ab sling... Read >

Benefits of Hanging Ab Straps Workout

People who start looking for a supporting tool of abdominal exercise equipment will find praises like this about the hanging ab straps: "hanging work is more effective" or "most productive exercises". Besides: Ab straps are cheap and small. This informati... Read >

Thursday, March 28, 2013

P90X Arm Exercises

You may have heard about the P90X Workout program, but may not know that much about what exact Exercises it incorporates into the program. P90X is not your run of the mill Workout. Tony Horton has designed the workout program to push people to their limits so they can get a ripped body in only 90 days.

There are 12 workouts that come with the P90X program:

• Chest and Back

• Plyometrics

• Shoulders and Arms

• Yoga X

• Legs and Back

• Kenpo X

• X Stretch

• Core Synergistics

• Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

• Back and Biceps

• Cardio X

• Ab Ripper X

As you can see from the above list of the workout DVDs that are included in the P90X system, there are several of them that focus on the arms. Both men and women love to be able to have tight and toned arms. For women, being able to wear sleeveless dresses and shirts is a big reason for tightening up the arms, while most men like the look of a bulging bicep or just want more definition in their arms.

There are several different arm Exercises that Tony Horton incorporates into the workout program. It's the way that he uses the exercise sequences in the DVDs that makes them so effective for not only strengthening but also burning fat. There are no secret exercises that he pulls out as he uses classic arm exercises but uses them in such a way that you are sure to develop Muscle and see your arms getting toned quickly.

In the shoulders and arms workout DVD, Tony has you doing a variety of presses, curls, and fly movements which all work in combination with each other to give you a complete arm and shoulder workout. The chest, shoulders, and triceps workout involves plenty of extensions, presses, and flys to get a leaner upper body. Many people tend to work out the front of the arms (biceps) but tend to forget that working out the back of the arms (triceps) is just as important if you want toned and defined arms. The back and biceps workout DVD contains a variety of curls and pull downs that will have your back and biceps burning, but in a good way. The exercises go from working the back to the biceps and then back to the back again and keep repeating this to not only strengthen the Muscles but to also get your heart rate up and burn calories as well.

There are other workouts in the P90x system that also involves arm exercises such as yoga. Some people may not realize how well yoga can build up not only flexibility but also your strength. Holding some of those yoga poses will have your arms shaking and burning.

The P90X workout program is a total body workout system that focuses on key areas of the body on certain days. With so many arm exercises that are doable for men and women, the program can have you showing off your toned biceps in no time.

Tiffany Brunskole is a writer for Surfer Body Fitness, an Online retailer who specializes in" rel="nofollow">workout products and supplies from Beachbody such as

Insanity. Project You Type 2 can help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

How Stretching Can Explode Your Muscle Growth

When you think about gaining Muscle, stretching is probably not the first thing that pops into your head. But did you know that stretching plays a critical role in building Muscle?

Every muscle in your body is enclosed in a bag of tough connective tissue known as fascia. Fascia is important for holding your muscles in their proper place in your body.

But your fascia may also be holding back your muscle growth. Think for a moment about your muscles. You train them and feed them properly. They want to grow and will grow but something is holding them back. They have no room to grow!

Because fascia is so tough, it doesn’t allow the muscle room to expand. It is like stuffing a large pillow into a small pillowcase. The size of the muscle won’t change regardless of how hard you train or how well you eat because the connective tissue around your muscles is constricting the muscles within.

The best example of this is the calf muscle. The lower leg is riddled with fascia because of its tremendous weight-bearing duties in the body. It is because of this fascia that many trainers have great difficulty developing their calves.

The solution: stretching.

Using the pillowcase example from above, imagine you can expand the size of the pillowcase by stretching it. Suddenly, the pillow within has more room and will expand to fill that new space.

By stretching your muscles under specific conditions, you can actually stretch your fascia and give your muscles more room to grow.

The key to effective fascial stretching is the pump. The best time to stretch to expand the bags that are holding in your muscles is when your muscles are pumped up full of blood.

When your muscles are fully pumped up, they are pressing against the fascia. By stretching hard at that time, you increase that pressure on the fascia greatly, which can lead to expansion of the fascia.

One of the major reasons Arnold Schwarzenegger had such incredible chest development was that he finished his chest Workouts with dumbell flyes, an Exercise that emphasizes the stretched position of the pectoral muscles. He would pump his chest up full of blood during the Workout then do flyes, holding the stretch at the bottom of the flye. This gave his chest room to grow to amazing proportions.

Fascial stretching is more rigorous than regular stretching but the results can be amazing. When you stretch hard enough to cause the fascia to expand, you will really feel it! When you are stretching the fascia, you should feel a powerful pulling sensation and pressure as the muscle works against the fascia to expand it.

Be sure you do not stretch so hard that you cause the muscle to tear or cause injury to yourself. You will rapidly learn to distinguish the difference between a good stretch and a bad stretch. You should not feel any sharp pain, just a steady pull.

Hold each stretch for at least 20 to 30 seconds as you must give your fascia time to be affected by the stretch. Stretch hard like this only when you have a fully pumped muscle as you must give your fascia a reason to expand. If your muscles aren’t pumped, just stretch normally.

You can find instructions for stretching at:

One set of hard stretching after each set you do for a muscle group, besides the obvious benefits of increased flexibility, can have an incredible effect on the size of your muscles and their further ability to grow.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weight training for women 40+ Part1: Shoulders training

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Weight training for women 40+ Part1: Shoulders training

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Get in Shape 3 : Strength Training Exercises to Do at Home

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Can Exercise Harm You?

When you Exercise, your brain releases chemicals called endorphins that produce a feeling of euphoria – the so called “runner’s high” that people can become chemically addicted to.

Without it, you feel irritable and out of sorts till you Exercise again. So you go on exercising, never stopping to listen to what you body is saying. And what its saying is, “Stop.”

The reason exercise addicts keep pushing themselves probably lies in what happens when they don’t work out. Psychologists at the University of Massachusetts at Boston studied the psychological consequences of being unable to exercise. They compared 30 male and female runners who had been laid low by minor injuries for at least two weeks, with a similar group who continued to run. Those who could not run displayed more signs of depression, anxiety and confusion, and they were far less happy with themselves and their bodies. Like other addictions, exercise, they say, appears to have withdrawal symptoms.

Of aches and pains

Over indulgence doesn’t harm only the mind, but the body as well. Initially, the exercise will do what it’s supposed to, give you a fit body but once you cross the line, it can get lethal. Muscle damage, osteoarthritis, heart problems they’re all waiting to make an appearance.

The body has its limitations and if you push it beyond that limit, you will harm yourself.

Obsessive exercise tends to happen among new exercisers, people who have only just started working out. So keen are they to get fit that they overstep the limits.

The initial signs of unaccustomed exercise can be exhaustion, but that leads to a build up of fatigue. This can do “irreparable harm to the body.”

It isn’t only Muscles that are at risk, so are bones. Some “recreational” athletes push themselves to the point of injuries such as shin splints or stress fractures, then refuse to rest, causing greater and perhaps permanent damage.

Even a morning walk is not without risk. Too much walking can lead to osteoarthritis.

When you’re walking, you are working against gravity. So more than exercising your muscles, you are harming your knee joint. A lot of patients who walk up to an hour everyday come up with complaints of aches in the knee. In fact, jogging also harms the knees. Too many sit-ups can also hurt. More than 10 a day can weaken the spine. Moderation, as usual, is the key.

You should begin gradually, and combine different types of Workouts, something that obsessive exercisers forget. A complication factor with people who get hooked to exercise is that they tend to perform the same Workouts day after day, further increasing the chances of permanent damage.

Thinking right

Never work out so much that you feel completely exhausted at the end of it. About 45 minutes to and hour, four to five days a week, should be your limit. Your workout should leave you feeling fresh and energetic. And make it a pint to take a day’s break every week. This is important because your body needs to relax and rejuvenate.

The key to achieving this lies in your attitude. Exercising is the way to healthy life. So if you do it only to please yourself when you stand on the weighing machine, you defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. Felling healthy should be the priority. So stop fighting with your own body and you’ll be a happier person.

The Secret To Slim Thighs

What's the secret to getting slim thighs? First, let me tell what it is not. You will never get the legs you want just by using those traditional leg machines at your gym or by doing day after day of boring cardio.

The reality is that you always see people at the gym doing this stuff and never seeing the results they want.

The real secret to getting your thighs slim involves 3 components: 1) proper nutrition, 2) Strength Training and 3) cardio (but not the typical kind of cardio everyone does).

1. Proper Nutrition: I am going to be honest with you. You will never ever get slimmer thighs if you don't put the right foods in your body. It doesn't matter how great your Workout routine is or what you may have heard or read. If you eat the wrong foods your body will maintain or store more body fat around your midsection, your arms, your butt and your thighs.

And fat is what blurs the visibility of the underlying Muscles. When you have excess body fat you cannot see any muscular definition.

So, if you want to get your thighs slimmer you have to eat enough of the right kinds of nutritious, fat burning foods that will help keep your legs sexy and lean.

A great rule of thumb I tell my clients is to make sure you eat at least 5 small meals each day. But, all 5 are not really "meals".

3 are meals and 2 are snacks. So, it looks like this:


Getting into the habit of eating more frequently is how you start to boost your metabolism to burn fat so you can begin to get slim thighs much faster than if you eat fewer meals.

2. Strength Training: Usually when I tell women they need strength training to make their thighs slimmer they look at me like they've just seen a ghost.

"But, I don't want to get bulky Muscles" is a typical response I get. I don't know where this myth came from but I want to clarify something here.

Getting "bulky" muscles just from strength training is 100% pure myth. Here's why. Building the kind of muscle mass that you see on a bodybuilder is absolutely unrealistic for the majority of people especially women.

Women naturally have lower levels of testosterone which makes it more difficult to build muscle mass versus men.

Here is something else to consider. If you want slim thighs with nice "tone" you have to possess a certain level of muscularity anyway.

You can burn all the body fat you want but if you don't have any real muscle on your legs your slim thighs will look more like toothpicks instead of sexy legs with curves.

That doesn't mean you will "bulk up". You simply fit the level of muscularity to match your goal. Adding some lean muscle to your thighs will give you that sexy curvacious appeal you are looking for.

And that comes from intense strength training and not from doing the leg machines at the gym with light weights and lots of repetitions.

You will never get slimmer thighs with nice definition that way. You have to lift heavier and smarter with just the right amount of rest in between to allow your body to recuperate which is when your thighs slim down.

Try these thigh slimming Exercises to get you started:

forward lunge walks
sideways lunge walks
box or bench jumps

Learn how to get slim thighs faster and lose 10 pounds in the process-
click here

3. Cardiovascular Training I never said no cardio. I said not the traditional cardio everyone else does. I am going to suggest a different twist on your typical cardio routine that will burn more calories and fat while stimulating your thighs to add some lean, sexy muscle tone.

Getting your thighs slim requires the combination of sufficient muscularity and low body fat.

Your muscles lie underneath a layer of fat cells. Fat cells store body fat. The more fat you carry the bigger your fat cells become and the less visible your muscles are.

So, to see those slim thighs underneath you also need to burn the fat from your fat cells.

Here's a tip to get you started:

Perform 90% Heart Rate Peaks- Instead of doing the typical marathon cardio Workout in your "fat burning zone" you are going to perform a much higher intensity workout but for a shorter time period.

This will allow you to burn more calories and fat long after your workout is over. Here is what you do:

Use the formula 220 - your age to get a number. Now, multiply that number by .85 and write down the product. Next, multiply the number by .75 and write down that product. The 2 products are your low and high end heart rate ranges.

Example for a 35-year old: 220 - 35 = 185
185 X .85 = 157
185 X .75 = 138

Heart rate range would be 138 (low end) to 157 (high end).

You will perform your cardio workout on any piece of equipment of your choice. Warm up for 5 minutes by gradually building your heart rate up to your low end range (138 in the above example).

Then you will increase the intensity until your heart rate peaks at your high end range (157 beats per minute in the above example).

Once you reach your high end range you immediately drop the intensity and recover back down to yoru low end range. Once you reach your low end range peak back up again.

Repeat this process of peaking and recovering for 30 minutes. Then record the total number of times you peaked to your high end range.

The next time you perform this you will try to beat the total number of peaks.

Cool down for 5 minutes by gradually decreasing the intensity until your heart rate is at your low end range or lower.

Stretch for 5-10 minutes.

And there you have it. The real secret to getting slim thighs is by adding some lean fat burning, thigh slimming muscle and dropping your body fat levels low enough to see those sexy trim legs.

Monday, March 25, 2013

New, Easy Women's Strength Training Workout Plan

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New, Easy Women's Strength Training Workout Plan

You can find additional info at the following links:

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tips on How To Build Muscle Fast

Are you one of the many people who do lots of Exercise in order to stay fit and healthy? No matter if you do it because you want to lose some weight or build Muscle mass, there are many things you can do to help yourself. I am personally interested in finding Exercises for building Muscle mass rather that such for burning calories as I am a man. But it all comes to your body type and goals. However, everyone who wants to stay healthy should consider a good Fitness routine.

Are you aware of the fact that weekly exercise is mandatory for staying healthy? How do you stay in shape? I am very fond of martial arts and apart from training self-defense, I am also trying to build muscle mass. Everyone wants to have a toned body which gives you confidence and strength. Do you want to be stronger? There are many exercises you can do without machines. For instance, you can try push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, dips, leg raises, running and jogging. Jumping jacks, jump rope and lunges are also a possibility. There are so many easy exercises you can do by yourself, thus I laugh at those who blame the lack of proper equipment for their poor health.

Probably the best way to build muscle mass is to start proper Weight Training. In case you want to have a large variety of modern weight machines, then joining a gym is the best option. Otherwise, you can simply buy a few dumb bells and a bench. For those individuals who cannot afford any extra expenses but still wish to build muscle mass, I would recommend muscle building exercises. Try with push-ups, pull-ups and dips. Search online for the best ab exercises available. You can get hundreds of different exercises if you have Internet access. What is really great about it is that you don't need to spend any money on building muscle mass.

You will be surprised how many free exercises are at your disposal. When having a Fitness training of some sort proper diet should be considered. For instance, if you are pumping iron five days a week but you cannot see a significant result, then probably you should change your current diet. In case you want to build muscle mass you will need high levels of protein. Fish and meat will provide you with enough nourishment of protein. Of course, protein bars galore are another option. When talking about building muscle mass, proper training and diet are crucial. Once you get them right, you can have the toned body you have always wanted for a short period of time.

Grapevine Personal Fitness Trainer

Grapevine is a popular site for oenophiles, or wine collectors, but it's a Grapevine personal Fitness trainer you should be seeking. Instead of an oenophile, you can become a "Fitness-phile" or a lover of all things related to good health.


Grapevine is the home of many wineries, but it's also a great place to enjoy outdoor activities. Many people avoid anything going on outside, because they are overweight and physical activity is difficult. In Texas, there's also the heat to contend with making outdoor activities physically stressful for the overweight or obese.

It's a Catch-22 though. The more you avoid physical Exercise, the more likely you are to put on weight. A personal fitness trainer can assist with almost any fitness need you might have in order to help you lose weight, get toned and get active.

Fitness training has become very popular, but only certified and qualified trainers should be accessed. That's exactly what you find in a Grapevine personal fitness trainer – professional level assistance. With extensive training and experience working with all fitness levels and all ages, a personal trainer can be the motivator you need to finally achieve your fitness goals.

It's important to understand fitness is about a lot more than just doing a few Exercises. Fitness is a total concept that addresses physical conditioning, nutrition and emotional stability (stress control). You can't work on one without working on the other two areas and expect to achieve long lasting results.

Stomping to Great Conditioning

Everyone has seen the old-fashioned pictures of people stomping grapes in a giant barrel to make wine. Stomping grapes may be a thing of the past, but stomping your way to fitness is crucial to good health. You can step, twirl, cycle, kick box, spin or even stomp if that's what you want to do! The key is to get up and get moving.

A Grapevine personal fitness trainer can assist you in many ways.

Develop an exercise program to improve Muscle toning Customize a dietary plan to reduce weight Create a cardiovascular system improvement program Design a Weight Training program to improve overall body conditioning and strength

One of the biggest challenges a person faces when ready to lose weight and improve fitness levels is overcoming fear of failure. Those fears vanish when you begin your program with a Grapevine personal fitness trainer. You will get personalized attention that addresses individual issues enhancing the likelihood of success a thousand-fold.

A personal trainer can work with a person of any age and any physical condition level. Children, men, women, teenagers, athletes, corporate employees, and senior citizens can begin a fitness program that will be life-changing. It's been proven through research you can begin a fitness program at any age and receive benefits.

Even people 90 years old have improved Muscle strength resulting in an improved quality of life.

If you are ready to become a "fitness-phile", begin by visiting a Grapevine personal fitness trainer. You can always have a glass of wine later – but only one! You should start right now making your calories count.

Exercise Routine - Weight Training Schedule For Busy People!

Everyone can agree that maintaining a reputable Weight Training schedule amidst our fast-paced lives is next to impossible. It's tough enough for most of us just to get ourselves through our busy lives: the kids up and off to school, shopping done, everyone fed on time, car pooling and actually putting in a full day at work on top of it all. Let alone attempting to get any kind of consistent healthy Exercise routine to fit into our day. Or week for that matter!

There's not much one can do to change any of our realities on a day-to-day basis. But, there are ways that each one of us can carve out some all-important time for ourselves. Not only is creating a Weight Training schedule beneficial to our physical selves, but also to our mental state.

Exercise of any sort works wonders to help us manage our stress levels. Workout guru, Dr. Sean Levee, states, "On average, a healthy dose of at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity or weight training on a daily basis can reduce one's stress level by approximately 75% over time."

While eating correctly and maintaining one's proper balance of rest is very important to overall health, nothing beats the benefits achieved from simple exercise. And, in days gone by, it seemed that many people tended to participate in one or two methods of exercise. Today, with research to help guide us, it has been proven that an active and consistent mix of cross training exercise is most beneficial to our health.

That includes a combination of cardio exercising such as: swimming, biking, jogging or walking. Strength exercises such as pilates, yoga or a simple weight training schedule. And athletics such as: tennis, golf, soccer, kayaking, rowing or mountain climbing. There's nothing like an exercise combination to get our bodies working hard to keep us healthy.

For most business people such as me, traveling for work can hinder a consistent weight training schedule. So, I simply pack my Workout clothing, a jump rope and my hand protecting workout grips, and take my workout routine on the road with me. It's amazing how much exercising I can manage in my hotel room in the morning or at the end of a grueling workday!

Push-ups, an abdominal workout and jump roping can create quite a good session for me in less than 30 minutes. I feel refreshed, clear-headed and can maintain my Muscle tone while I'm on the road and always feel better for having accomplished that healthful workout for myself no matter where I am!

So remember, in order to maintain that toned physique and fresh mind, carve out that slice of your day to create your own 30 minute weight training schedule and be on your way to a more fulfilled lifestyle. You can get more Fitness and nutrition information by visiting

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Female Toning vs. Bulking Up: The Real Facts

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Female Toning vs. Bulking Up: The Real Facts

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Fitness Exercises : Strength Training With No Equipment

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Anatomy of the Electric Guitar: A Glossary of Parts

'Guitar speak' can be a little confusing, especially to non-guitarists and beginners. This article describes the various part of the electric guitar and some of the terminology used in describing them.

The 3 main parts of the electric guitar are called the body, the neck, and the headstock.

The body of the guitar is the largest part and where the strumming hand is positioned and can be made of various types of wood. Electric guitar bodies can be solid, hollow, or semi-hollow. Solid-bodies are usually 2-3 shaped pieces of solid wood glued together. Hollow-bodies, like acoustics, have a completely open resonance chambers usually with f-hole shaped openings. Semi-hollowbodies look like hollow bodies from the outside, however, will have a solid block of wood through the center of the resonance chamber. Body shapes can vary widely from the classic ‘Stratocaster’ and ‘Les Paul’ shapes to the radical ’flying v’ and ’explorer’ shapes. The sides that make up the body of a guitar are referred to as the top, back, and sides. The top of the body can be flat or carved (curve shaped). The upper bout and lower bout of the body refer to the head-facing or feet-facing halves of the body, respectively, when in the playing position. The horns of the body are the wooden protrusions found on either side of the neck on a Stratocaster shaped guitar. Guitars may contain a binding made of celluloid, plastics, or wood that outlines the sides of the body, headstock, and sometimes neck.

The neck on a guitar is the long midsection where the fretted hand is positioned and can be a single piece of wood or 2-3 glued pieces. The neck joint is where the neck joins the body. Neck joints are categorized as either bolt-on, set neck (glued in place), or neck-thru style where the neck continues through to the body in a single solid piece. The heel describes the flattened area on the back of the neck that rests right next to the neck joint. The fretboard or fingerboard refers to the wooden face on the top of the neck usually made from maple, rosewood, or ebony. The frets are the wire dividers on the fingerboard. Fretmarkers are placed at set positions on the fingerboard and are commonly made of mother-of-pearl or ink inlays. These inlays are most commonly shaped like round dots or trapezoids. Most electric guitar necks will have an adjustable truss rod running through the center of the neck as a reinforcement and counterbalance to the string tension.

The headstock is the portion at the end of the neck. The shape and markings on the headstock are indicative of the brand of guitar. Guitar brands can be instantly recognized by the signature shape of their headstocks. Furthermore, headstocks will usually have the guitar brand name imprinted or inlayed on the top and have the serial number and other company information on the back. The headstock may have a plastic truss rod plate covering the adjustable end of the neck’s truss rod. The tuners, pegs, gears, and keys all refer to the string winding hardware located on the headstock.

The hardware on an electric guitar refers to the usually metal pieces visible on guitars body and headstock. The bridge is the string stop apparatus on the body of the guitar. Guitar bridges contain a saddle for each individual string and may have a spring mechanism called a tremolo to change the string tension while playing the guitar. The handle used to manipulate the tremolo is known as the tremolo arm or whammy bar. Some guitar bridges will contain fine tuner knobs as well. The strings on some guitars will extend past the bridge and anchor to a tailpiece or pass through to the back of the body in a string-through-body design. The nut refers to the string stop piece located at the junction of the neck and the headstock. Nuts can be made of wood, ivory, bone, or metal. Strap buttons are located on the body and sometimes heel of the guitar and provide tether spots for the guitar strap to hang.

Guitar electronics refer to the pickups and controls. Pickups are wound magnet devices that detect string vibration and sends it to the amplifier to produce sound. They can be a single-coil type or paired as a humbucker type. Pickups can be passive or active if they have a battery powered preamp. Electronic controls are the volume and tone knobs or pots (potentiometers) and the pickup selector switch or toggle switch. The input jack is where you plug the guitar into the amplifier. The electronic components of a guitar are usually set inside of a routed out compartment in the body of the guitar and is often covered with a plastic pickguard or scratch plate on the top of the body or a backplate on the back of the body.

The finish on a guitar refers to the painting techniques used to give the guitar its appearance. Some guitars will have a natural finish that showcase the beauty of the wood grain used while other will have a solid paint color. One popular technique is to use a translucent finish that both colors the guitar while also showing off the underlying wood grain. These guitars are regarded as having highly flamed tops or figured tops as opposed to the little or no grain displaying plain top translucent finishes. One special type of wood grain translucent finish that shows a distinct square-like pattern is known as a quilt-top finish. Another popular technique which uses a gradual grading of 2-3 colors is known as a burst finish as seen in the popular sunburst, honeyburst, and silverburst finishes. Many guitars will have a high gloss clear coat finish of lacquer or nitrocellulose while other will have a flat matte, smooth, and freshly sanded feeling satin finish.

I hope this article will give you a better understanding of the various guitar parts and the terminology used to describe them. Visit for the best value in new and used guitars, factory 2nds, and refurbished instruments at cheap guitar prices.

E. Lucktong

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

At Home Workouts: Part 1 Strength Training

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At Home Workouts: Part 1 Strength Training

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fit for Duty - Variety Strength Training

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Fit for Duty - Variety Strength Training

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Fit for Duty - TRX Suspension Strap Strength Training 3

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dairy Products And Acne, What You Should Know

Did you know that your diet could cause acne, or even worsen it?

Well, check out this latest research done at the American Academy of Dermatology in Harvard.

The facts are that despite what was commonly thought of chocolate and greasy food would cause acne, this is long proven wrong. Now the basic stable data here is that what cause acne to manifest itself are during hormonal fluctuations and genetics. Therefore the times prone to experience this uncomfortable condition is during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.

But the latest research point to one or two exceptions involving dairy products. The researches analyzed about 50,000 peoples habits and diets specially what they ate during high school. Those who habitually drank two-three cups of milk a day where 22% prone to have severe acne compared to those who only drank one cup a week or less.

Skim milk had the greatest effect. Cream cheese and cottage cheese were also related to outbreaks, while chocolate and grease were not. Basically researchers were certain to prove the effect of hormones on milk, other studies had come out with similar findings and share this discovery.

You also have to know that food that contain iodides, like shellfish and soy sauce, might also exacerbate acne. Iodides are thought to play a role in the inflammation, this confirmed by Dr Diane S. Berson, an assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

So, the bottom line is that certain foods particularly dairy products, has proven to generate acne and some times, severe condition of acne.

But finally, there's something you can do to end the frustration and suffering brought on by acne. With just a few simple daily steps, you can heal the pimples you have today and help stop new ones from forming tomorrow. Whether you're a man or a woman, 15 or can have the clear, blemish-free skin you've always wanted.

If you're suffering with mild to moderate acne, I know how you feel - both of us have lived with it at different times in our lives. So I wanted to create a website to help you understand the causes of the condition, and learn what you can do to fight it. In this site, I have taken the time to refute some of the most common misunderstandings about acne and bring you the latest scientific information. I would also like to introduce you to a revolution in acne skin care - Proactiv® Solution.

This unique, easy-to-use, 3-step daily maintenance system is designed to attack acne at its source - so you can get the clear, beautiful skin you've always wanted

Like me, millions of people have discovered Proactiv Solution and changed their lives for the better. Many of these people say the same thing: Proactiv Solution really works. So why don’t you take a look at this product for yourself. After all, if you are a dairy product lover and want to continue with it (and who doesn’t?) you must be prepared to deal with acne the right way. So there you go, now you know what are the diets that causes acne and what are the products that helps you handle it. Enjoy it!

Al Castillo

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Get Your Body Weight Strength Training On -

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Get Your Body Weight Strength Training On -

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Muscle Car Craze

Somebody once asked me why I was so fascinated with Muscle cars. You know, it’s hard for an outsider looking in to understand why we Muscle car lovers are so fanatical about our cars. Until they’ve been behind the wheel of a newly restored ’66 Pontiac GTO, they just haven’t a clue.

Why is it that we can browse through muscle car advertisements for hours on end? Why do we have to go to every muscle car show that comes near our town? Why do we drive out of our way to see some of the hottest muscle cars around? Why do we seemingly pour all of our extra money into our muscle cars?

Some people think a passion for muscle cars comes from peer pressure – a need to impress other people per se. As a muscle car enthusiast I can honestly say that’s not it, at least not for me. My interest in muscle cars dates way back to before I was ever concerned about what anybody thought. I have always found muscle cars to be fascinating and exciting.

First, muscle cars are original. Those who collect or restore muscle cars put their heart and soul into their hobby which makes every muscle car truly unique. Second, muscle cars are powerful. There’s nothing that gets the adrenaline pumping quite like sitting behind the wheel of a classic, high-performance muscle car. Third, when you take a classic car, restore it and muscle it up, you really have something to be proud of. It’s a lot like an artistic ability for me – like taking a blank canvas and creating an incredible piece of art out of it.

One thing is for certain, regardless of the reason a muscle car devotee is interested in muscle cars, we all seem to talk the same talk and walk the same walk. Dealing with muscle cars is an incredible social outlet. Whether we collect, restore, show, or race our muscle cars, it doesn’t matter. We’re all on the same wavelength and we truly enjoy looking at and chatting about muscle cars.

Some enthusiasts have specific lines of muscle cars that they are interested in, while others are just crazy about muscle cars in general. Some like imports, others like exports, and most all muscle car enthusiasts have a strong interest in classics. We can look at them, talk about them, drive them, or just work on them. Muscle cars give us something to look forward to, something fun to invest our time and money into, and the muscle car hobby keeps us out of trouble – for the most part.

Treating Quadriceps Tendon Rupture

Quadriceps tendon ruptures are not common and mostly occur in people who are older than forty years of age. It is much more common in patients with various diseases and who have had degenerative changes in the extensor mechanism of the knee. Ruptures typically occur on one side only and if they occur in both knees there are very likely to be significant predisposing factors. Ruptures of the patellar tendon are not as common as quadriceps tendon ruptures and occur more often in younger patients under forty years old. Early diagnosis and surgical repair of the ruptured tendon is essential as later repairs are much more difficult with poorer results.

A typical action where a rupture of the quadriceps tendon is likely to occur is when the quads Muscle is rapidly lengthening under stress and the foot is planted on the floor. A direct blow to the knee, a fall on the knee or a laceration to the area can all induce rupture. Ruptures are mostly likely to happen across an area of abnormal tissue in a tendon and this is suspected because a very small event can rupture a quadriceps tendon at times and that a large force does not rupture a normal tendon but nearby tissues instead. Conditions which increase the probability of rupture include arthritic diseases, long-time steroid use, infections, obesity and immobilisation. Knee steroid injections and various operations can facilitate tendon rupture.

Rupture of the quadriceps tendon usually occurs through abnormal tissue in the first two centimetres just above the patella. Medical conditions can damage the blood supply to the tendon or alter the structure of the tendon. Diabetes can cause changes in blood vessels and obesity leads to increased tendon forces and degeneration within the tendon by replacement with fatty tissues. In the microscopic examination of ruptured tendons the vast majority were suffering from degenerative changes without inflammatory changes and commonly showing abnormalities of blood vessels and supply. Decreased blood flow leading to poor nutrition and low oxygen levels may be crucial factors in tendon degeneration.

Typical presentation of a patient is for them to complain of acute knee pain, knee swelling and loss of functional knee ability after giving way of the knee, a fall or a stumble. They may not have had knee pain previously and the knee may have gone pop audibly at the time of the incident. Patients will have difficulty walking and examination will show swelling above the kneecap, bruising and tenderness. A gap in the tissues just above the patella may be clearly apparent to touch with the patella lying lower than normal over the knee.

Active extension or straightening of the knee against gravitational force is the important factor to assess in the patient's ability. An extension lag, where the patient cannot completely straighten their knee with their own power, is an indication of a potential rupture. The inability to straighten the knee will vary with the severity of the injury and partial ruptures are more difficult to diagnose. Any delay in assessing and diagnosing the patient is unhelpful and due to the difficulty in diagnosis it is common for this injury to be misdiagnosed with inevitably inappropriate management.

The knee pain and swelling will reduce over time and the function of the quadriceps may improve, with improved walking ability. However, patients will show a hip hitch to bring the leg through and walk on a straight knee to maintain stability. However, the knee may give way frequently and climbing stairs will be difficult. Early operation to repair the defect is the standard treatment for acute and complete ruptures of the quadriceps tendon, with chronic ones also mostly suitable for surgery. Partial tears can be immobilised in a cast in a fully extended position for three to six weeks with a gradual physiotherapy rehabilitation regime until good function is achieved.

4-6 weeks in a cylinder plaster in full knee extension is the common management after this operation and weight bearing is usually permitted early with a frame or crutches. After the plaster is taken off then a hinged knee brace can be applied which can be adjusted to limit flexion range which can be gradually increased to allow greater and greater knee bend. Patients are then referred to physiotherapy to work at gradual increases in knee strength and ranges of motion until the knee is rehabilitated close to the function of the other knee.

Jonathan Blood Smyth, editor of the Physiotherapy Site, writes articles about Physiotherapists, physiotherapy, physiotherapists in Birmingham, back pain, orthopaedic conditions, neck pain and injury management. Jonathan is a superintendant physiotherapist at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

20 Minute Total Body Strength Training Workout! NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED!

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20 Minute Total Body Strength Training Workout! NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED!

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Support and Resistance Basics

Support and resistance are among the most important technical analysis elements when trading. Support is zone at which a security is likely to stop falling, at least temporarily, and resistance is a zone at which price is likely to stop rising. Trading support and resistance are not precise lines on the chart, but as we said before, are 'zones' within which the market action intensifies. Support and resistance are basically price bands where the price will probably stop falling or rising respectively.

Because of their widespread use in all financial markets, trading support and resistance are usually the best indicators for day trading. Many of the most successful day traders learn how to calculate and use support and resistance exclusively in trading. Support and resistance levels can be applied in any timeframe, and you can often see a long term chart displaying obvious areas beyond which price seems reluctant to venture.

If you can identify the support and resistance levels on a chart while trading, you can figure out where to jump in with the entire weight of the market behind you, should that price be broken. The most well known support and resistance levels are the so-called 'floor traders pivot points'. provide a free support and resistance level calculator for these floor traders pivots - unlike the usual pivot calculators which require you to enter open, low, high and close data, the version just needs a stock symbol, and will then generate the support and resistance levels automatically (and for free!)

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Qualities Of A Fitness Professional: What Makes A Great Personal Trainer and How To Spot An Unqualified One!

Personal Trainers Are Everywhere

In today’s day and age there are more health clubs and more personal trainers than ever. In fact, according to Personal Fitness Professional magazine, “An estimated 5 million Americans are using personal trainers.” A growing army of Fitness professionals has emerged to act as mentors trained to assist you in your quest for improved health and fitness. It is essential to differentiate between a qualified fitness professional and your average personal trainer as the former can deliver impressive results and the latter can potentially cause personal injury or even death!

Personal Trainers Should Be Mentors

Men such as Louis Durlacher and Eugen Sandow were the pioneers of personal training. As stated by the late Dr. Mel Siff, “At the time, the training of royalty, the wealthy and the famous with weights and specialized Exercises was a well-established and desirable profession, predating the current generation of so-called personal trainers by about 150 years.” Personal training is now a growing profession as more people are realizing the benefits of regular physical activity and are seeking ‘expert’ advice from fit mentors.

A mentor is someone who can help you achieve a given task in a more efficient and streamlined manner. Personal trainers should be mentors that specialize in helping people achieve new levels of positive physical change but buyer-beware! Not all personal trainers are qualified to deliver the results that they promise. A qualified personal trainer can develop a safe and effective Exercise program but an unqualified trainer can get you killed!

Buyer Beware!

Stephan Grisanti, author of Industry of Illusions, cites a report by CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews that tells a frightening story of one woman’s experience with a so-called personal trainer. Andrews reported on one of these unqualified personal trainers and the fatal harm that this trainer caused to Anne Capati. “The trainer, who knew Capati had high blood pressure, also suggested, in writing, diet supplements including Thermodrene, which contains the stimulant Ephedra. The family charges the stimulants and the trainer’s poor judgment led to Capati’s death. The Capati lawsuit has helped expose two health club secrets. The first is sometimes a certified personal trainer isn’t certified. The second is there is no standard—national, state or otherwise—for what the word certified means.” This scenario has happened repeatedly in years past and it saddens me as I read about people suffering injuries or death by the hands of unqualified personal trainers that have no business providing advice to other people. It is essential that you become an educated consumer and protect yourself with knowledge.

The Process Of Selecting a Qualified Personal Trainer/Fitness Professional

You have decided to get into shape and you are seeking a mentor to help you achieve your fitness goals, now what? You have realized that some expert guidance will help you achieve results in a more efficient manner and you have decided to hire a personal trainer. This is where you should take care in selecting the individual that will be giving you advice that will affect your health and well-being. Follow this step-by-step list and you should be able to select a qualified personal trainer that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

1. Are You Ready To Start?

The first step is to determine if you are ready and able to start an exercise program. It is wise to consult your doctor and determine if you are ready to start and individualized exercise program. Depending upon your health and past medical history, your doctor may give some specific instructions on exercises or activities to avoid. This step is important especially if you are recovering from an illness or orthopedic injury. A good personal trainer will require that you complete a health and exercise history questionnaire at the very least prior to beginning an exercise program.

2. You’re Certified, So What!

Most people realize that they should ask if their potential personal trainer is certified or not. If the trainer says they are not certified, simply walk away. If a personal trainer tells you that they are certified you should then ask them what organization certified them. Being certified is certainly a good start but the problem is that there are currently over 300 different personal training certifying agencies in existence according to Phil Kaplan, author of Personal Training Profits. Some of these certifications have lofty standards while others only require that you watch a video and mail in the answers to a written test in order to become certified. The quality of the certification really depends upon which agency is doing the certifying, what the certification requirements are, and what the trainer gains from that particular certification. There are a handful of certifications that have value and a lot of them that are not worth the paper they are printed on so do your homework.

The National Strength And Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College Of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are two of the most respected certifications in the fitness industry. The NSCA is the only nationally recognized accredited certification and it offers both a Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT) and Certified Strength And Conditioning Coach (CSCS) credential. The ACSM is considered the “Gold Standard” in the fitness industry and is also highly respected by the medical community. Both of these organizations involve a practical and written examination along with continuing education requirements.

To determine the value of their certification, ask them what kind of requirements they needed to fulfill in order to achieve that credential. Ask about continuing education requirements and if they have to stay abreast of new research in order to maintain their certification. Do some research about the personal trainer’s certification and try to determine its value, if any.

3. Do You Have Education In Exercise Science?

Ask them if they have a college degree in a health or fitness related field. In the NSCA’s publication entitled: How to Select a Personal Trainer, the authors state: “Personal trainers with an educational background in Exercise Physiology, Sports Medicine, Health and Wellness, Physical Education, or Anatomy and Physiology have a more thorough understanding of the way the different systems within the body work together, and how exercise affects each of these systems.” I have met many great personal trainers who did not get an education in exercise science but other qualities made them true professionals. It is important to realize that no one criteria can qualify a personal trainer and that it is important to evaluate a personal trainer by looking at everything that they bring to the table. As a general rule though, a true fitness professional will seek out a college education in a health related field and will have a more in-depth understanding about how to help you achieve positive physical change.

4. Do You Have The Qualities Of A Fitness Professional?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Fit for Duty - Strength Training with Bands

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Fit for Duty - Strength Training with Bands

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Fit for Duty - Resistance Band Strength Training 2

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Strength Building with Isometric Exercises

When you are doing isometric Exercises for strength building how many reps and sets should we be doing. Do we treat this the same as when working out with weights. There is the difference that isometrics are done by time and weights are reps and sets.

With isometrics the number and duration of the static holds are what are important. Some people have done many repetitions for short period of time and some will do fewer reps for longer period of time. Studies have shown that both methods have given increases of strength.

For those looking to increase strength it is often recommended to do 15 to 20 maximum static holds for about 5 to 10 seconds against an immovable object for at least 3 times per week. This amount of work will help you gain some extra strength. If you are already a really fit person who works out with weights the gains may not come on like someone just starting but isometrics are great supplemental Exercises to using weights.

You can not just do each static hold at one position, you need to vary the angles. An example would be while doing an isometric exercise for your biceps, you need to target the bicep through at least 3 or 4 points along its range of motion. The strength is gained at each point that you hold.

Full body exercises are something you should also try. Where you are pushing and pulling against immovable objects with regular isometrics, body weight exercises would be like doing a push up but doing a static hold at different points in its range of motion.

For more information on how you can benefit from isometric exercises go to href="">Isometric Exercise Tips
. Tim Archbold's lifelong interests are Fitness training and health.

Francesco Castano

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